Neri Kinsella is a breathworker on a mission to help people rediscover joy.

She is the founder of The Smile Society – a space dedicated to connecting people with their happiness, optimism, growth, strength and purpose.

In one-to-one and group breathwork sessions, Neri creates ambient and immersive guided journeys that help people dive deep and find inner clarity. She also hosts community laughter yoga and sound healing circles.

Using care, wisdom and sensitivity, Neri offers a space for people to rediscover their own passion for who they are.
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I’m so excited to let you know that there is a new website coming soon. Lots of juicy info coming your way.

Existing clients, please get in touch for all things booking-related.

New clients, firstly Welcome! I’m so glad you’ve landed here. I’m currently not taking new bookings until 2024, (which is not too far away now!). Throughout the year, I'll be working from Sydney, Wollongong and the Illawarra Coast as well as online. The first open places will be offered to those on my waitlist so make sure to drop me a line if you're interested.

Whether you’re an old friend or a new one, I want to welcome you warmly into this space. If you have questions, comments or just want to say hi, pop your message in the form below or email me at I would love to hear from you and share in your journey.
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Please note that it is normal for me to take a day or so to consider your enquiry so I can respond with the most relevant and useful information to make sure you are getting the most out of our exchange.

Chat to you soon.

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Neri - The Smile Society